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Injury Prevention

Corrective Exercise Descriptions

Corrective Exercise Descriptions


Shoulder Mobility Corrections

Wall Slides                                                                             

  • Lean against a wall with your hips, shoulders and back of your head touching while your feet should be 6-12 inches away.
  • Ensure that you do not have too much of a sway in your low back – you should be able to slide your hand between the wall and your low back with some resistance.  Too much of a sway will allow your hand to pass between with no resistance.
  • To execute the movement place the back of your arms against the wall as being held up by a robber
  • Gently press into the wall and slide your arms up over head as far as you can while keeping your wrists and elbows in contact with the wall.
  • If you are having difficulty getting into this position, which is common, execute the same movement in a door frame.
  • Perform the movement for 30 seconds


Kneeling Extension & Rotation (KER)

  • Kneel down on the ground and place your weight on your heels as if in a child’s pose.
  • Place one hand on the back on your head
  • To execute the movement try to point the elbow towards the ceiling and look up towards your arm pit
  • Ensure that all the movement is coming from your upper back and not your lower back.  To do this shift you’re the majority of your weight onto the same side leg as the hand on your head.
  • Perform this movement slowly – exhale as you look up towards the ceiling.
  • Execute this 5-10 times – perform more on the side that you feel more restricted.


Side Lying Extension & Rotation (SLER)

  • Lie down on one side in a perfectly straight line as if your body were against a wall.
  • Place something under your head to ensure that your head is in a neutral alignment.
  • Take your top leg and bring it above your hip so that it is bent at more than 90 degrees – place another object underneath your knee.
  • Place your bottom hand on top of your knee to ensure that it stays down and in contact with the object underneath it.
  • Take your top arm and touch the thumb to your top knee with your palm facing away.
  • Then rotate your upper body allowing your top arm to go back and overhead in a diagonal pattern.
  • Aim your thumb towards the ground by rotating your hand so that your palm is facing in – don’t worry if you can’t get your hand to touch the ground.
  • Perform 5-10 reps per side – move slowly and exhale has your hand goes over head.
  • Perform more reps on the side that you feel more restricted.


Active Straight Leg Raise Corrections

Hamstring Self Stretch

  • Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and knees bent at 90 degrees close to a wall/door frame
  • Straighten the leg is closest to the wall and place your heel on the wall/doorframe.
  • Slowly straighten the other leg to engage the stretch in the back of the leg that is against touching the wall/doorframe.
  • The stretch should be subtle
  • For more of a stretch move in and to make it easier move back.
  • Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds


Active Leg Lowering

  • Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and knees bent at 90 degrees close to a wall/door frame
  • Straighten the leg is closest to the wall and place your heel on the wall/doorframe.
  • Straighten the outside leg in the air so that it is parallel to the other.
  • Slowly lower the outside leg until it gets close to the ground then slowly raises it back up.
  • Perform this 5-10 times per leg
  • If one side feels tighter perform more reps on this side


Iso RDL (Romanian Deadlift)

  • Stand tall and place hold a broomstick behind your back
  • The stick must touch the back of your head, your spine between your shoulder blades and your tail bone.
  • To execute this move while balancing on your left leg hold the stick with your left hand in the small of your back and your right hand the crook of your neck.
  • Hinge at the waist by reaching your right foot behind you as far a possible as if trying to touch the wall behind you.
  • Ensure that the stick remains in contact with the three spots on your back
  • Hinge until reach a horizontal position with your right leg and torso.
  • Smoothly return the standing position and allow your right foot to touch the ground to re-establish your balance between reps.
  • Perform 5-10 reps under control


Squat Corrections

Ankle Mobilizations

  • Remove your shoes and stand close to a wall with your hands touching
  • Place one leg in front of the other in a split stance – start with the toes of your front foot a couple of inches away from the wall.
  • Lean forward and try to drive your front knee to the wall while ensuring that your heel does not come off the ground.
  • Drive the knee slightly off centre towards the outside of your foot in order to not allow your feet not to roll in causing you to collapse your arches
  • Continue to gradually move your front foot back until you can barely touch the wall while still having your heel stay in contact with the ground.
  • You should feel a stretch in the back of your lower leg.
  • Once you reach this point perform 10-15 reps where you rock back and forth touching your knee to the wall for a one second hold.
  • Repeat for the other leg.


Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Place a chair behind you, put a pillow on the ground between you and the chair and finally and grab a stick that you can use for balance
  • Put one foot on the chair and lower yourself until your knee rests on the pillow
  • Ensure that your torso is tall and erect and place both hands on the stick in front of you
  • Push the hip on the leg that is on the chair forward while applying downwards pressure into the ground via the stick.
  • You should feel a stretch in the front of the hip – hold this position for 5-10 seconds
  • Release the stretch by pushing your hip back
  • Repeat 5-10 times
  • To make the stretch harder move back towards the chair and to make it easier move further away or find a lower chair for your leg.


Assisted Squat

  • Stand about 2-3 feet away from a sturdy object (doorframe) that you can hold onto
  • With your feet shoulder width apart and toes turned slightly out
  • With the weight on the outside of your feet (don’t allow your arches to clasp) sit back as if lowering yourself to a chair by pushing your hips back
  • Descend into a squat position with your chest up – use the object that you are holding onto to support yourself
  • Hangout in the bottom position as low as possible for 10 seconds in order to get accustomed to this position while allowing your hips to gain the mobility necessary to execute a squat
  • Repeat 5-10 times


Single Leg Prisoner Stance

Wall March

  • Stand about 2 feet away from a wall with your hand on the wall at shoulder height
  • Lean into the wall and lift one leg above 90 degrees while keeping your spine as tall as possible
  • Hold this position for 2-5 seconds before lowering and repeating on the other side


Seated Psoas Drill

  • Sit on the edge of a chair that places your legs a 90 degree bend at both the hips and knees
  • Sit as tall as possible with your hands on top of your head in a prisoner position – you should not be able to see your elbows at any time in your peripheral vision
  • Lift one knee above 90 degrees while keeping your torso as tall as possible
  • Hold for 2-5 seconds before lowering and repeating on the other side
  • Repeat 5-10 times per side


Bowler Squat

  • Stand on your right leg while holding onto an object in your left hand
  • Bend at the knee and hip to allow yourself to place the object on the ground in a diagonal pattern from your pinkie toe of your right foot
  • Come back up without the object to a tall standing position and allow your left foot to touch the ground to re-establish your balance.
  • Repeat the movement in order to pick up the object this time
  • Repeat this process and continually place the object further away from yourself in this diagonal pattern
  • Repeat 5 times before switching sides
  • If you feel more unstable on one side perform more repetitions on this side.

About Graeme Lehman

I am Graeme Lehman, a strength & conditioning coach


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