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Strength & Conditioning

Squat analysis – JD Ney

This squat has a lot of room for improvement and once this is cleared up we will have an athlete that moves a lot more efficiently.  Plus we can start to load up this movement and build a strong and powerful lower half.


  • Do this in front of mirror so that you can see if you are shifting to one side or letting your left foot turn out at the bottom.
  • start with your toes pointing at 1 & 11 o’clock – slight out-turn
  • slightly lift your arches of your feet and feel the weight on the outer edge of your feet
  • slowly sit back as if sitting to a low chair
  • pretend there is a post between your feet just past the edge of your toes – when you squat you can lean forward with your torso a bit but not so much that your face would hit this post.

Here is what it should look like

Related image

In order to get here practice while holding onto a post like this but with that post your holding actually being in the ground like a fence post or the corner of a squat rack (anything that you can use for balance)

Related image

Practice along with the stretches will help improve this vital movement

  • Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Calf Stretch

Graeme Lehman

About Graeme Lehman

I am Graeme Lehman, a strength & conditioning coach


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