Bat Speed

Bat Speed is what it is all about for hitters.  Not only does more bat speed let you hit the ball harder and further but it also let’s you see the ball longer before you decided whether or not to swing.

Bat Speed is a result of bio-mechanics and muscular strength and speed (a.k.a Power!!!!).  There are some guys with pretty swings that can’t get the ball out of the infield because they lack the strength to generate any force despite having great mechanics.  If your legs are roughly the same size as your bat you might fall into this category.

On the other side of the coin are those big strong guys that don’t have the swing mechanics that allow them to take advantage of their power.

***I have to mention that vision plays an enormous role in hitting.  Without the hand EYE coordination to put the barrel on the ball you don’t stand a chance***

My goal is to provide you some great articles that give you the training and bio-mechanical information.

Check out the articles below to get started or click here to see all of my blog posts about Bat Speed

What’s Your Batting Average Angle?

Wanna Decrease Your Bat Speed?  Keep Using those Weighted Bats On-Deck!!!




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