Customized Strength Training Programs

Strength training is an absolute necessity if you want to become a big league athlete.   What’s just as important is that you doing a program that is specifically built for you based on your wants and needs as a baseball player.  Today’s players are bigger and faster than ever and it’s these kind of athletes that also have great baseball skill that reach the higher levels of this game.

Big League Athlete specializes in delivering customized training programs to any baseball player trying to reach the next level.  We can provide you with all of the right information that you need going into the weight room if your goal is to be a better player on the diamond.  On-line coaching allows the athlete to benefit from

Nerdy Proof – Drinkwater

Here is how the on-line strength coach works between YOU and I

  • YOU fill out this application that to tells us what you want and where you’ve been (forum)
  • YOU perform and record these assessments and athletic tests to see what you need. (video package)
  • I combine this information to make YOU a program that will get you playing at a higher level.
  • I teach you how to perform all of the exercises and how to use the program
  • We do the work. I build the programs and you do them.  Combining smart work and hard work
  • We communicate: you record your progress where I can see how you made out with the exercises.  Video’s will be required peridocally to ensure proper training technique.  (proof that you’re doing the work)
  • We keep building to keep you getting bigger and stronger as you climbs levels where the game gets faster the higher you go




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