How to use this Site

The goal is to fill up this site with as much great training information as I can in order to give young baseball players the tools and knowledge they need to grow their game in order to reach the next level.

On this site you’ll find a lot of great articles about different training topics ranging from the bio mechanical analysis of swinging or throwing to cutting edge strength and conditioning programs.  I try to translate all of that geeky science into easy to understand language.

Trying to find your way through all of this great information and applying it to fit your goals as a baseball player can be tricky.  If you want help designing a training program the quickest and safest way to get results is to check out the on-line coaching this site provides.  In order to make you a program and coach you on-line we take you through an assessment and get you to fill out our athlete questionnaire so that we can customize a program.

I am excited to help out players who are self motivated with this on-line training since I see it as a win/win situation.  I get to help out a young baseball player in a different part of the world that I wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to work with while he gets to benefit from all of my years of education and experience in this specific area.

Here is the simple 5 step process that I use to training players on-line:

Step 1 – I send you questionnaire for him to fill that tells me exactly what his goals are along with many other pieces of information that are important (i.e injury history, other sport commitments, training history).

Step 2 – I send a list of tests and assessments that he needs to video tape himself doing and then send to me.  This information provides us with a starting point along with the visual clues that I need to build a program specifically designed to suit his strengths and weakness’ as an athlete.

Step 3 – I create a customized program based on all of this information and then send it to him along with videos and descriptions of how to execute each drill and exercise.  The program will cover everything he needs to do both inside and outside of the weight room in order to succeed.

Step 4 – Through e-mails, videos, on-line documents and questionnaires we communicate on a weekly basis in order to track progress in the weight room along with nutrition and rest.  This allows me to make any adjustments to the program that I feel are necessary based on his performance and progress along with providing him with pieces of information that will align him with his goals.

Step 5 – At the end of each training block (4-8 weeks) we start this process all over again with a re-assessment and a new program based on these results, time of year (off-season, pre-season, in-season) along with any new athletic goals.


If you would rather save time than money click here.

For the DIY (Do It Yourself-er)

This site has all of the ingredients that I’ve used to put any program together for any player but the secret is learning how much and which ingredients each individual player needs to create their recipe for success.  It is impossible to put together programs that work for everyone since everyone needs something unique to suit their wants and needs as an athlete.  Take a look at this article about things to consider when designing a program.

However there are some exercises and drills that will work for most people and I’d much rather you blindly follow a generic program from this site than follow something else from a magazine or web site that promises 6 pack abs and/or +100mph fastball.








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