Info for Parents & Coaches

The primary benefits of the on-line coaching are:

1) get the coaching:  right information into the hands

2) accountability:  through various on-line tools we track the progress that each athlete makes both inside and outside the weight room.  Recording your results on-line allows use to track your progress and make any adjustments as necessary



Here are my top four of reasons why strength training programs should be customized

1. Athletes that are the same age AREN’T really the same age:  45% of adolescents are either early or late bloomers which means that a team of 15 year old baseball players has almost half of its team is either ahead or behind physically by up to 3 years.  That team of “15 year olds” is really a squad of players who are physically between the ages of 12 and 18 years old.

Giving an athlete a program that is not age specific can hinder their

2. Do they play multiple sports

performance manager, I recommend what’s best for the athletes long term development and long term success over immediate success.

3. What kind of strength do they need



4.How do you move???

Being big and strong is great but it’s not so great if you’re always on the side line because you’re hurt.  We need to ask “How do you move?” to see how your QUALITY of movement is before we see how fast you can run and how far you can jump when we test your QUANTITY of movement.

We’ve all heard it before: Quality over Quantity



5 –  Cooking vs. Baking




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