This page is a resource page for my on-line training members.  All of these links are password protected.  The password will be changed from time to time.  If you do not have the password please e-mail me (Graeme.lehman@gmail.com) and I will send it to you.

Athletic Assessment – this page has all the examples and explanations of how you need to perform your intial athletic assessment so that I can build you a program based on your wants (goals questionnaire) and needs (athletic assessment).

What do to when you get your program.  Once you send me the results of the initial questionnaire and the athletic assessment I then make you a program that is designed to get your towards your goals as fast and as safe as possible.

How to read the training programs.  If you aren’t sure what order to do the exercises that are in your program or what “tempo” or “rest” means then read this page.

Exercise Library.

On your programs each exercise should have a category listed below it.  These are the categories that you can search in order to get a visual example of how to perform each exercise.

Lower Body Exercises

Upper Body Exercises

Stability & Core Exercises

Mobility Exercises

Upper Body Soft Tissue

Lower Body Soft Tissue

Corrective Exercises

Arm Care Drills




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